33. Mayo 5/2011 - Revolver (2005) - Reino Unido - Dir: Guy Ritchie

After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption. Who is his greatest enemy?

Esta película fue presentada por: David Estrada

32. Abril 28/2011 - Trainspotting (1996) - (Reino Unido) - Dir: Danny Boyle

A wild, freeform, Rabelaisian trip through the darkest recesses of Edinburgh low-life, focusing on Mark Renton and his attempt to give up his heroin habit, and how the latter affects his relationship with family and friends: Sean Connery wannabe Sick Boy, dimbulb Spud, psycho Begbie, 14-year-old girlfriend Diane, and clean-cut athlete Tommy, who's never touched drugs but can't help being curious about them...

Esta película fue presentada por: Erika Saavedra

Ficha IMBD: Trainspotting

31. Abril 07/2011 - 满城尽带黄金甲 (La maldición de la flor dorada) (2006) - (China) - Dir: Zhang Yimou

王(周润发 饰)领兵造反,夺得了王位。他为了更加巩固自己的地位,赶走了前妻,迎娶了梁国的公主、现任王后(巩俐 饰),以得到梁王的支持。王子元祥(刘烨 饰)是前妻留下的孩子,王跟现任王后也生下了元杰(周杰伦 饰)、元成(秦俊杰 饰)。王后却与元祥有着不可告人的乱伦关系,王一直念念不忘自己的前妻,对外声称前妻已死。王后一直野心勃勃,元杰得知父亲逼着母亲吃毒药,就答应了母亲在重阳节的那天发起兵变,腥风血雨的战争也开始了……

Esta película fue presentada por: Erika Saavedra

Ficha FilmAffinity: 满城尽带黄金甲

30. Marzo 31/2011 - El lado oscuro del corazón (1992) - (Argentina) - Dir: Eliseo Subiela

Oliverio, un poeta bohemio, recorre Buenos Aires con sus amigos, acosado por la muerte, buscando a una mujer capaz de "volar". Los textos de Mario Benedetti, Juan Gelman y Oliverio Girondo, intercalados con gusto, lo hacen un film interesante, intenso y liberador. En el transcurso de la película, la poesía se ve entremezclada con los lugares más espesos de la cotidianeidad artística argentina y uruguaya.

Esta película fue presentada por: María Lucía Jaramillo.

Ficha FilmAffinity: El lado oscuro del corazón

29. The Blind Side (2009) - (USA) - Dir: John Lee Hancock

Marzo 24/2011

La historia de Michael Oher, un joven negro, adoptado por una familia blanca de clase alta, que logra que su hijo adoptivo se convierta en una de las estrellas del fútbol americano. Basada en hechos reales.

Juan S.

Esta película fue presentada por: Juan Carlos Uribe.

Ficha IMBD: The Blind Side

28. Marzo 17/2011 - Modern Times (1936) - (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Charles Chaplin

Chaplins last 'silent' film, filled with sound effects, was made when everyone else was making talkies. Charlie turns against modern society, the machine age, (The use of sound in films ?) and progress. Firstly we see him frantically trying to keep up with a production line, tightening bolts. He is selected for an experiment with an automatic feeding machine, but various mishaps leads his boss to believe he has gone mad, and Charlie is sent to a mental hospital... When he gets out, he is mistaken for a communist while waving a red flag, sent to jail, foils a jailbreak, and is let out again. We follow Charlie through many more escapades before the film is out.

Esta película fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

27. Marzo 10/2011 - Reservoir Dogs (1992) - EEUU - Dir.: Quentin Tarantino

Six criminals, who are strangers to each other, are hired by a crime boss Joe Cabot to carry out a diamond robbery. Right at the outset, they are given false names with an intention that they won't get too close and concentrate on the job instead. They are completely sure that the robbery is going to be a success. But when the police show up right at the time and the site of the robbery, panic spreads amongst the group members and one of them is killed in the subsequent shootout along with a few policemen and civilians. When the remaining people assemble at the premeditated rendezvous point (a warehouse), they begin to suspect that one of them is an undercover cop.

Esta película fue presentada por: J.D. Sáenz

26. Marzo 3/2011 - Андерграунд (Underground) - (1995) (Yugoslavia) - Dir: Emir Kusturica

«Андергра́унд» (серб. Подземље, англ. Underground; в русских источниках также известен под названиями «Андеграунд», «Подполье», «Под землёй» — пятый полнометражный фильм режиссёра Эмира Кустурицы, трагикомедия по сценарию Душана Ковачевича, основанному на его же пьесе. Действие ленты разворачивается на протяжении примерно пятидесяти лет (с 1941 года по начало 1992) в Югославии.

В Югославии и Франции фильм также выходил в телеверсии под названием Била једном једна земља («Жила-была одна страна»), состоявшей из шести серий общей продолжительностью в 5 часов. В телесети Германии фильм демонстрировался под названием «Underground» и был несколько раз показан как в полной 5-часовой, так и в сокращённой 3-часовой версиях

Esta película fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

25. Febrero 24/2011 - Gainsbourg, vie héroïque - (2010) (Francia) - Dir: Joann Sfar

Du jeune parisien arborant « l’étoile de shérif» (sic) imposée aux juifs durant l'Occupation allemande jusqu'à l'apogée de l'auteur-compositeur-interprète des années 1980, une biographie fantasmagorique de Serge Gainsbourg, créateur qui défraya la chronique et laissa son empreinte dans le monde de la chanson avec de nombreuses œuvres poétiques et subversives.

Le film retrace la vie de Gainsbourg à travers la plupart de ses tendances artistiques, de son apprentissage de peintre au Gainsbarre en passant par le jazz de Saint-Germain et les yéyés.

Esta película fue presentada por: J.D. Sáenz

24. Febrero 17/2011 - In the name of the father - (1993) - (Irlanda) - Dir: Jim Sheridan

A small time thief from Belfast, Gerry Conlon, is falsely implicated in the IRA bombing of a pub that kills several people while he is in London. Bullied by the British police, he and four of his friends are coerced into confessing their guilt. Gerry's father and other relatives in London are also implicated in the crime. He spends 15 years in prison with his father trying to prove his innocence with the help of a British attorney, Gareth Peirce. Based on a true story.

Esta película fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

23. Febrero 10/2011 - Me and You and Everyone We Know - (2005) - (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Miranda July

Me and You and Everyone We Know' is a poetic and penetrating observation of how people struggle to connect with one another in an isolating and contemporary world. Christine Jesperson is a lonely artist and "Eldercab" driver who uses her fantastical artistic visions to draw her aspirations and objects of desire closer to her. Richard Swersey, a newly single shoe salesman and father of two boys, is prepared for amazing things to happen. But when he meets the captivating Christine, he panics. Life is not so oblique for Richard's six-year-old Robby, who is having a risqué Internet romance with a stranger, and his fourteen-year-old brother Peter who becomes the guinea pig for neighborhood girls -- practicing for their future of romance and marriage.

Esta película fue presentada por: David.

The Cat Piano. Cortometraje y gusto.

Según Chán, es gracias a este cortometraje que el cine-club adquiere el nombre de "Los Gatos"; contrario a lo que él piensa, creo que el cine-club adquiere el nombre gracias a un estado-condición de aquellos que lo integran, y esto por varias razones: pienso que al proponer el nombre de "Cine-club Los Gatos" aludíamos a las diferentes proveniencias del país de sus integrantes. El hecho de ser de diferentes lugares, reunirnos en un mismo lugar y disfrutar de proyecciones de cine nos pone en la situación de manada de "gatos criollos", que se reúnen de vez en cuando a compartir algo (en este caso un arte), a salir de nuestra independencia y escarbar en tanques de basura, o robar comida de los mejores restaurantes gourmet -como gatos-. Contextualizando, a degustar clases de cine diferentes, a probar lo que para algunos es basura y para otros es lo más exquisito del cine, y así, estoy seguro, es para cada uno de los que asisten al cine-club, por eso el nombre de "Los Gatos".

Es por eso que considero que el cine-club no fija temáticas sucesivas de proyecciones, más que las que cada uno aporte cuando se le presenta la oportunidad de compartir un film. Mejor dicho, como -gatos- cinéfilos que somos, lo que nos gusta es degustar lo que cada uno encuentre, y así compartirlo con los demás, como a aquellos gatos a los que les encantan las cabezas de pescado y tratan de encontrarlas en todas sus presentaciones (trucha, carpa, róbalo), así a nosotros -gatos cinéfilos- nos gusta observar qué films nos traerán los otros gatos y averiguar su temática, su gusto, su autenticidad, etc...

Aún así sería injusto despreciar este corto, que fue propuesto en los mismos inicios del cine-club -aquellos en que las proyecciones eran en pantallas de t.v. o computador- y con el cual compartimos "la animalidad" de nuestro nombre. Es entonces este excelente cortometraje una especie de souvenir del recuerdo para los que asistimos al cine-club, una coincidencia en nuestro "felino" gusto.

J.D. Sáenz

The Cat Piano from PRA on Vimeo.

1C. Otro punto de vista Por Adolfo Bioy Casares.

Otro punto de vista Por Adolfo Bioy Casares.

Sueño que entro en la sala de un cinematógrafo. En las primeras filas hay espectadores de cabeza muy grande; entiendo que son dioses y que el film que ven es la vida. Sentado en el fondo de la sala, de repente me veo en un rincón de la pantalla; soy espectador de mi propia vida. Entonces tengo una revelación; sé por qué un dios bueno permite que nos pasen cosas horribles. Comprendo que no importa lo que nos pase, porque no somos reales, sino un entretenimiento para los dioses, de la misma manera que los personajes de los films lo son para nosotros.

22. Diciembre 8/2010 - Braindead - (1992) - (Nueva Zelanda) - Dir: Peter Jackson

Lionel, a Mama's boy has the unwanted honor of having to look after his overbearingly evil mother. He ends up falling in love with a local woman who believes that they're destined together. In a moment of intentional sabotage of one of their dates, his mother is bitten by a mysterious creature that ends up zombifying her. It's only a matter of time before she rises from the dead a powerful, bloodthirsty zombie. It's only a matter of time before she starts infecting residents of the town and Lionel has to stop her...and them.

Esta película fue presentada por: J.D. Sáenz

21. Diciembre 1/2010 - À bout de souffle - (1959) - (Francia) - Dir: Jean-Luc Godard

Michel Poiccard, jeune homme insolent mêlé au milieu de délinquants, vole une voiture à Marseille pour se rendre à Paris. Mais en route, lors d'un contrôle, il tue un policier qui le poursuivait.
Arrivé à Paris, il retrouve la jeune étudiante amércaine Patricia, avec laquelle il a une liaison amoureuse — on comprend qu'il la connait depuis peu —, et qu'il a passé quelques nuits avec elle avant de descendre sur Marseille. Elle veut étudier à la Sorbonne et, pour se faire un peu d'argent, elle vend le journal Herald Tribune sur les Champs-Élysées. Tout au long du film, Michel essaiera de la persuader de coucher à nouveau avec lui, et elle lui résistera un certain temps en affirmant qu'il ne l'aime pas vraiment.
Michel veut quitter la France pour l'Italie (plus précisément Rome) où il pense trouver refuge. La police l'a déjà identifié comme étant l'assassin de la N7 et sa photo figure dans tous les journaux. Patricia, tout d'abord, ne dit rien par amour pour Michel.
Celui-ci rencontre plusieurs amis délinquants pour récupérer de l'argent. En attendant que l'un d'entre eux l'aide à encaisser un chèque barré, Michel va se cacher avec Patricia chez l’amie d'un ami dans le quatorzième arrondissement. La veille de leur départ présumé pour l'Italie, Patricia le dénonce à la police afin de le forcer à partir loin d'elle. Mais Michel refuse de prendre la fuite et, abattu par un policier, s'écroule au carrefour de la rue Campagne-Premire, « à bout de souffle ».

Esta película fue presentada por: Juancho

20. Noviembre 24/2010 - Across the Universe - (2007) - (Estados unidos) - Dir: Julie Taymor

Across The Universe is a fictional love story set in the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest, the struggle for free speech and civil rights, mind exploration and rock and roll. At once gritty, whimsical and highly theatrical, the story moves from high schools and universities in Massachusetts, Princeton and Ohio to the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Detroit riots, Vietnam and the dockyards of Liverpool. A combination of live action and animation, the film is paired with many songs by The Beatles that defined the time.

Esta película fue presentada por: Sebastián Dahm.

19. Noviembre 19/2010 - The Virgin Suicides - (1999) - (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Sofia Coppola

-The lives of an eclectic group of men who live in an affluent American suburb in the '70s are forever changed by their obsession with five doomed sisters

In this movie you see the lives of a family and friends go down the drain day by day. The Lisbon sisters/family seem to have it all until one of the sisters commits suicide. Their parents become tolerably strict until Lux ruins that for herself and her sisters. They are soon taken out of school, not able to communicate with the opposite sex, and soon take a wrong turn which turns fatal. This story is told from former friends of the Lisbon sisters.

-The Virgin suicides is a beautiful story about five sisters, and their mysterious existence, told in the words of the neighborhood boys who worshiped them and who come together 20 years later to try and solve the mystery of the Lisbon sisters. It is a solitary story of the girls isolation and the sleepy portrayal of how they watched powerless as their fragile lives disappeared.

Esta película fue presentada por: David.

18. Noviembre 11/2010 - Gummo - (1997) - (Estados unidos) - Dir: Harmony Korine

Constructing this film through random scenes, director Harmony Korine abruptly jettisoned any sort of narrative plot, so here we go: Solomon and Tummler are two bored teenage boys who live in Xenia, Ohio. A few years ago, a tornado swept through it, destroying more than half the town and killing the same amount, including Solomon's father. The film, from there, chronicles the anti-social adventures these two boys have. These include sniffing glue, killing cats, having sex, riding dirtbikes, listening to black metal, and meeting a cavalcade of quirky, bizarre, and scary people. These include a man who pimps his mentally ill wife to our anti-heroes, three sisters who play with their cat and practice becoming strippers, a black midget fending off the sexual advances of a troubled man (played by the director Harmony Korine), a 12-year-old gay transvestite who is also a cat killer, Solomon's mother who seems to be the only glimpse of sanity, two foul-mouthed six-year olds, and most importantly, a nymphlike skateboarder who walks around town wearing pink rabbit ears.

Esta película fue presentada por: Andres Waltero

17. Noviembre 3/2010 - おくりびと (Okuribito) (Violines en el cielo) - (2008) - (Japón) - Dir: 滝田洋二郎 - Yojiro Takita


Esta película fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

16. Octubre 27/2010 - Burn After Reading - (2008) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen

Osbourne Cox, a Balkan expert, is fired at the CIA, so he begins a memoir. His wife wants a divorce and expects her lover, Harry, a philandering State Department marshal, to leave his wife. A diskette falls out of a gym bag at a Georgetown fitness center. Two employees there try to turn it into cash: Linda, who wants money for elective surgery, and Chad, an amiable goof. Information on the disc leads them to Osbourne who rejects their sales pitch; then they visit the Russian embassy. To sweeten the pot, they decide they need more of Osbourne's secrets. Meanwhile, Linda's boss likes her, and Harry's wife leaves for a book tour. All roads lead to Osbourne's house.

Esta película fue presentada por: Sebastián Dahm.

15. Octubre 21/2010 - Hombre mirando al sudeste - (1986) (Argentina) - Dir: Eliseo Subiela

-El doctor Julio Denis es un médico psiquiatra y trabaja en un neuropsiquiátrico. Un día llega al hospital un joven, Rantés, que dice ser un ser de otro planeta. Lo trata como paranoico, pero Rantés irá introduciéndose en su vida, haciéndolo dudar de si realmente está loco, con lo que, sutilmente, lo obliga a replantear su vida y profesión. (FILMAFFINITY)

-Una extraña relación se establece entre el Dr. Denis, psiquiatra de profesión, y Rantés, un joven que aparece de improviso en el hospital psiquiátrico y afirma que es un extraterrestre en una misión secreta en el planeta Tierra.
Esta cinta del director de El Lado Oscuro Del Corazón (1992), No te mueras sin decirme a dónde vas(1995),Ultimas imagenes del naufragio (1989), confirma el talento y el dominio de un lenguaje cinematográfico original y brillante

Esta película fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

14. Octubre 14/2010 - Dr. Strangelove - (1964) (Reino Unido) - Stanley Kubrick

U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper goes completely and utterly mad, and sends his bomber wing to destroy the U.S.S.R. He suspects that the communists are conspiring to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of the American people. The U.S. president meets with his advisors, where the Soviet ambassador tells him that if the U.S.S.R. is hit by nuclear weapons, it will trigger a "Doomsday Machine" which will destroy all plant and animal life on Earth. Peter Sellers portrays the three men who might avert this tragedy: British Group Captain Lionel Mandrake, the only person with access to the demented Gen. Ripper; U.S. President Merkin Muffley, whose best attempts to divert disaster depend on placating a drunken Soviet Premier and the former Nazi genius Dr. Strangelove, who concludes that "such a device would not be a practical deterrent for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious". Will the bombers be stopped in time, or will General Jack Ripper succeed in destroying the world ?

Esta película fue presentada por: Camilo.

13. Octubre 6/2010 - Bodysong - (2003) (Reino Unido) - Dir: Simon Pummell

A celebration of the story of the human life cycle, using archive footage of the human body compiled over the past 100 years. Combines a feature film, a website and a gallery installation.

Esta película fue presentada por: David.

12. Septiembre 30/2010 - The Hot Spot - (1990) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Dennis Hopper

A loner drives into a small Texas town and gets himself a job at a used car dealership. He gets an idea for robbing a small local bank after he tries to open a new bank account at the same time a fire occurs nearby. The bank was left open while all of the employees went to fight the fire. The manipulative boss' wife wishes to use him for her own purposes - "I always get what I want, Harry". He resists, however, as he finds himself falling in love with the accountant at work, who has her own problem to work out.

Esta película fue presentada por:
J.D. Sáenz

11. Septiembre 22/2010 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - (1966) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Sergio Leone

Blondie (The Good) is a professional gunslinger who is out trying to earn a few dollars. Angel Eyes (The Bad) is a hit man who always commits to a task and sees it through, as long as he is paid to do so. And Tuco (The Ugly) is a wanted outlaw trying to take care of his own hide. Tuco and Blondie share a partnership together making money off Tuco's bounty, but when Blondie unties the partnership, Tuco tries to hunt down Blondie. When Blondie and Tuco comes across a horse carriage loaded with dead bodies, they soon learn from the only survivor (Bill Carson) that he and a few other men have buried a stash of gold in a cemetery. Unfortunately Carson dies and Tuco only finds out the name of the cemetery, while Blondie finds out the name on the grave. Now the two must keep each other alive in order to find the gold. Angel Eyes (who had been looking for Bill Carson) discovers that Tuco and Blondie meet with Carson and knows they know the location of the gold. All he needs is for the two to lead him to it. Now The Good, The Bad and The Ugly must all battle it out to get their hands on $200,000 worth of gold

Esta pelicula fue presentada por : Juancho

10. Septiembre 15/2010 - Mulholland Drive - (2001) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: David Lynch

A bright-eyed young actress travels to Hollywood, only to be ensnared in a dark conspiracy involving a woman who was nearly murdered, and now has amnesia because of a car crash. Eventually, both women are pulled into a psychotic illusion involving a dangerous blue box, a director named Adam Kesher, and the mysterious night club Silencio.

After a brutal car accident in Los Angeles, California, Rita is the sole survivor but suffers mass amnesia. Wandering into a strangers apartment downtown, her story strangely intertwines with Betty Elms, a perky young woman in search of stardom. However, Betty is intrigued by Rita's situation and is willing to put aside her dreams to pursue this mystery. The two women soon discover that nothing is as it seems in the city of dreams.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por : Cristian

9. Septiembre 8/2010 - The Amazing Mr. Bickford - (1987) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Frank Zappa

We enter Bruce Bickford's studio in Santa Monica, California; it's 1978. Various technicians are at work; drawers upon drawers are full of figurines. Bickford says a few things, and then, with Zappa's symphonic music on the soundtrack, we're taken into various Bickford creations. Knife-wielding Africans fight rifle-toting Whites. A drawing of a toilet fills the screen, various foods emerge from it, and they change shapes swiftly into images of animals and things. In claymation, three everymen move through landscapes of danger and conflict. Moments of the every day change quickly into grotesque images. Little holds its shape for more than a moment.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Juan S. Trejos A.

8. Septiembre 2/2010 - El hijo de la novia - (2001) (Argentina) - Dir: Juan Jose Campanella

Rafael Belvedere (Ricardo Darín) no está conforme con la vida que lleva. No puede conectarse con sus cosas, con su gente, nunca tiene tiempo. No tiene ideales, vive metido hasta el tope en el restaurante fundado por su padre (Héctor Alterio); carga con un divorcio, no se ha tomado el tiempo suficiente para ver crecer a su hija Vicky (Gimena Nóbile), no tiene amigos y prefiere eludir un mayor compromiso con su novia (Natalia Verbeke). Además, hace más de un año que no visita a su madre (Norma Aleandro) que sufre de Mal de Alzehimer y está internada en un geriátrico. Rafael sólo quiere que lo dejen en paz. Pero una serie de acontecimientos inesperados obligará a Rafael a replantearse su situación. Y en el camino, le ofrecerá apoyo a su padre para cumplir el viejo sueño de su madre: casarse por Iglesia.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Alejo

7. Agosto 23/2010 - Rebel Without a Cause - (1955) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Nicholas Ray

Jim Stark's family has just moved to the suburbs of Los Angeles. He meets Plato, and Judy, whom he likes. He somehow gets mixed up with some tough guys who talk him into participating in their "Chickie run", which involves driving cars towards the edge of a cliff. One of the other boys accidentally dies, and he was Judy's boyfriend. So, Jim, Judy and Plato are forced to hide in an old abandoned mansion to hid from the police and the friends of Judy's boyfriend, who believe that Jim ratted on them to the cops.

Jim Stark is the new kid in town. He has been in trouble elsewhere; that's why his family has had to move before. Here he hopes to find the love he doesn't get from his middle-class family. Though he finds some of this in his relation with Judy, and a form of it in both Plato's adulation and Ray's real concern for him, Jim must still prove himself to his peers in switchblade knife fights and "chickie" games in which cars race toward a seaside cliff.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Juancho

6. Agosto 20/2010 - Be Kind Rewind - (2008) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Michel Gondry

BE KIND REWIND is the name of a quaint, little video store that carries VHS titles only because the owner (Danny Glover) can't afford to upgrade to DVD films. It's a small shop set in the middle of a crumbling, poverty stricken neighborhood, made up mostly of minorities. The film stars Jack Black as Jerry, a junkyard worker who magnetizes his brain while trying to sabotage a power plant that he thinks is responsible for his constant headaches. Rapper Mos Def plays Mike, his best friend and the only employee of the video store. The stores owner (Danny Glover) goes on 'vacation' (to spy on a huge franchise video chain), leaving Mike in charge with strict instructions not to let Jerry inside. Of course, Jerry gets in anyway and manages to 'magnetize' all of the VHS movies and wipe them clean. Soon Mike and Jerry are shooting their own versions of classic films like GHOSTBUSTERS and the RUSH HOUR movies with a camcorder, laughably bad 'special effects' and using neighborhood folks in small roles. Unexpectedly, their movie versions (which are referred to as SWEDED becuase Jerry charges 20 bucks to rent a movie, claiming that they are Swedish Imports ), become so popular that the small store (facing foreclosure) is actually making money. They begin taking custom orders for movies and end up filming SWEDED versions of THE LION KING, DRIVING MISS DAISY, ROBOCOP and more. Soon, however; theyve attracted the attention of the Feds, who inform them they are breaking the law (of course) and that they must cease and desist. What will they do to save the store now? They make an original film about the history of the city and about a 'famous' musician who was born and raised there. They charge admission and the whole neighborhood comes out to see the film, making them a small profit that still won't save the place from demolition. But a tough, city counselman has a change of heart, in the end after seeing the outpouring of neighborhood support.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Vanessa

5. Un long dimanche de fiançailles - (2001) (Francia) Dir: Jean- Pierre Jeunet

Dans les tranchées de la Somme, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, cinq soldats sont accusés de s’être auto-mutilés pour échapper à leur devoir. Condamnés à mort par une cour martiale, ils sont conduits jusqu’à un avant-poste nommé « Bingo crépuscule » et abandonnés à leur sort dans le No man's land qui sépare les deux camps. Parmi eux figure Manech, le fiancé de l’héroïne du film, une jeune boiteuse romantique prénommée Mathilde qui ne croit pas au décès de son amoureux. S’il était mort, elle le saurait. Forte de cette intuition, Mathilde mène son enquête et recueille peu à peu les indices qui vont l’amener à découvrir ce qui s’est passé ce jour-là à « Bingo crépuscule »…

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: David

4. Agosto 11/2010 - Waking Life (2001) (Estados Unidos) Dir: Richard Linklater

Dreams. What are they? An escape from reality or reality itself? Waking Life follows the dream(s) of one man and his attempt to find and discern the absolute difference between waking life and the dreamworld. While trying to figure out a way to wake up, he runs into many people on his way; some of which offer one sentence asides on life, others delving deeply into existential questions and life's mysteries. We become the main character. It becomes our dream and our questions being asked and answered. Can we control our dreams? What are they telling us about life? About death? About ourselves and where we come from and where we are going? The film does not answer all these for us. Instead, it inspires us to ask the questions and find the answers ourselves. Written by Jeff Mellinger

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Nicolas

3. Julio 2010 - The ninth gate (1999) (Francia, España y Estados Unidos) - Dir: Roman Polański

Dean Corso, a rare book dealer, is appointed by a renowned book collector, Balkan, to verify the authenticity of one of his books. According to sources, only three copies of that book exist, and in three different places. After losing his friend who has been killed for that book, he leaves on the mission. He wants to verify Balkan's book but finds something else! During his dramatic travels through Paris and Madrid, too many things beyond his expectations are revealed!

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: J.D. Sáenz

2. Junio 2010 - High Fidelity (2000) (Estados Unidos) - Dir: Stephen Frears

- High Fidelity follows the 'mid-life' crisis of Rob, a thirty-something record-store owner who must face the undeniable facts - he's growing up. In a hilarious homage to the music scene, Rob and the wacky, offbeat clerks that inhabit his store expound on the intricacies of life and song all the while trying to succeed in their adult relationships. Are they listening to pop music because they are miserable? Or are they miserable because they listen to pop music? This romantic comedy provides a whimsical glimpse into the male view of the affairs of the heart.

Arrested development confronts 30-something Rob Gordon when Laura, his smart and successful lover, leaves him because he hasn't changed since they met. He reviews his top five worst breakups (he constantly makes top five lists, though usually about music). He recalls each breakup, reconnects with these former loves to find out why they dumped him, and wallows in misery from losing Laura. Much of it plays out at his vinyl record store where he and two clerks, socially-inept savants, live and breathe obscure contemporary music. Rob makes fruitless attempts to win Laura back, indulges in new relationships laced with fantasy, and tries introspection. What will Laura do?

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: David

1. Junio 2010 - Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken (2004) (Alemania) - Dir: Achim von Borries

Die so genannte „Steglitzer Schülertragödie“ ereignete sich im Jahr 1927. Günther Scheller und Paul Krantz hatten einen „Selbstmörderclub“ gegründet und sich selbst auferlegt, dann aus dem Leben zu scheiden, wenn sie keine Liebe mehr empfänden. Günther Scheller hatte demnach am 28. Juni 1927 zuerst seinen Geliebten Hans Stephan und danach sich selbst getötet. Der spektakuläre Prozess fand auch im europäischen Ausland, in den USA und in Japan Interesse. Während des Prozesses wurden Günthers Schwester Hilde Scheller und Paul Krantz als Exempel einer moralisch zerrütteten Jugend dargestellt, die ausschweifend und übermäßig früh sexuell aktiv sei. Paul Krantz wurde wegen Mordes und Anstiftung zum Mord angeklagt, jedoch letztendlich in allen relevanten Punkten freigesprochen.
Bereits 1929 wurde der tragische Stoff das erste Mal verfilmt: Carl Boeses Film Geschminkte Jugend wurde erst nach reiflicher Überlegung von der Berliner Film-Oberprüfstelle freigegeben. Eine zweite Verfilmung von Max Nosseck folgte 1959 unter demselben Titel, wurde allerdings wegen eines Einspruchs der Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft vom Produzenten zurückgezogen.

Esta pelicula fue presentada por: Los miembros fundadores del cine-club para inaugurar el proyecto